How to Create a Blog for Free?

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Creating a blog is one of the easiest part of blogging. After discussing our previous post How to blog?: First things first we are now moving on the next step; the blog creation. If an aspiring blogger is really determined to enter the blogosphere, the blog would be his armor, the container of his contents, and the last thing, his blog is now his face.

But how can we create a blog?                                                                                                                                                  

As what I mentioned earlier, creating a blog is just easy as one-two-three. is one of the best options for creating a free blog especially for beginners. It is customizable, with various templates to choose.

Just follow the steps below and you'll get what you want. 

1. Have a Gmail account. Register here at
        - make sure you will put facts in the needed informations.
2. After creating a Gmail account, verify it and update your profile if you want.
3. Then after doing such things in Gmail, go to Blogspot create a new account.
              - click sign up or get started
              - like what you did on Gmail, provide needed informations including your blog subdomain and name.
3. And after that, you can now start your very first blog post. Enjoy!

So, what Blog host did you use when you create your first blog? 


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